

LawSure has been hosting monthly Zoom conferences completely free of charge on issues affecting both residential and commercial property practitioners. The live events have been a fantastic success with hundreds of attendees and amazing feedback for our speaker, Richard Snape.

We hope that these one-hour CPD briefings provide residential and commercial property practitioners with practical advice and information on up-to-date cases.

Below are the details of the recordings of the live Zoom conferences which are available and free to watch for conveyancing practitioners. The notes can also be downloaded once the simple registration form has been completed. You can download as many recordings and notes as you would like. Click ‘register’ next to any conference, complete the short form, and get downloading!

If you experience any issues gaining access, please contact


Want to be one of the first to hear about future Free CPD conferences? Contact to be added to the exclusive invitation list.

These presentations/recordings including answers given in any question and answer session and the accompanying papers are intended for general purposes only and should not be viewed as a comprehensive summary of the subject matter covered.  Nothing said in the presentations/recordings or contained in the papers constitutes legal or other professional advice and no warranty is given nor liability accepted for the contents of the presentations/recordings or accompanying papers.  Richard Snape and LawSure Insurance will not accept responsibility for any loss suffered in consequence of reliance on information contained in the presentations/recordings or papers.


Repairs, Service Charge and Building Safety in Commercial Leases with Richard Snape

Reporting to the Lender and Other Hot Mortgage Issues With Richard Snape

The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 With Richard Snape

Exercising Break Clauses and Other Methods of Terminating Commercial Contracts With Richard Snape

How to Respond to the New Residential Enquiries with Richard Snape

Planning Law For Conveyancers With Richard Snape

Key Issues Affecting Easements: Implied and Prescriptive Easements with Richard Snape

Key Issues Affecting Easements: Characteristics of an Easement with Richard Snape

The Building Safety Act 2022 and Other Related Legislation for Commercial Properties with Richard Snape.

Restrictive Covenants in Freehold Land With Richard Snape

How to Respond to C.P.S.E. Enquiries with Richard Snape

How to Respond to Enquiries With Richard Snape

Building Regulations for Conveyancers with Richard Snape

Commercial Leases Update with Richard Snape

The Building Safety Act Revisited With Richard Snape

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954: When it Applies – With Richard Snape

Conveyancing & The Family Home With Richard Snape

Overage and Clawback with Richard Snape

The Building Safety Act and Other Post Grenfell Conveyancing Issues With Richard Snape

Reporting to the Lender - Current Issues With Richard Snape

Alienation, Alteration & User Covenants With Richard Snape

Part 1. Issues Affecting Easements- Characteristics of an Easement With Richard Snape

Exercising Break Clauses and Other Method of Terminating Commercial Leases With Richard Snape

Planning Law For Conveyancers With Richard Snape

Commercial Lease Update With Richard Snape

Leasehold Dwellings Update in the Light of Recent Statutory Changes - With Richard Snape

The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 and its implications with Richard Snape

Reporting to the Lender and Other Hot Mortgage Issues With Richard Snape

Newbuild Issues for Conveyancers With Richard Snape

Enquiries and How to Respond to Them With Richard Snape